In 2024, the workforce at the Charente sites included 103 employees, 34% of whom were women (37% in 2023).
22.85% of these women hold management or department manager positions compared to 10.29% of men.
The overall annual gender equality index for 2024 calculated at the level of the Economic and Social Unit (TECHNIMA France/TECHNIMA Holding) is as follow:
We are and remain convinced that it is the women and men of our organisations who make the wealth of our company and our group.
In 2021, the workforce at the Charente sites included 99 employees, 37.37% of whom were women (36.4% in 2021).
24.32% of these women hold management or department manager positions compared to 17.74% of men.
As the Gender Equality Index between women and men cannot be calculated due to the lack of a representative workforce on the criteria of the salary gap, we present below the results of the calculable indicators:
We are and remain convinced that it is the women and men of our organisations who make the wealth of our company and our group.